ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, is a software solution that tackles the needs of an organization, taking into account the process view to meet an organization's goals while incorporating all the functions of an organization. Its purpose is to make easy the information flow between all business functions within the boundaries of the organization and manage the organization's connections with its outside stakeholders. Here’s the illustration of both Non-Integrated System and Integrated System for ERP:
While using an ERP, theres some Advantages and Disiadvantages. Some of the Advantages of ERP Systems are:
· More accurate forecasting can be done which allows the organization to be provitable.
· Integration from which different departments ensures communication, productivity, and efficiency.
· Reduce the possibility of crash problems while doing multiple changes between the systems.
· Possible to make decision whenever and wherever.
For the disadvantages, theres just a bit of disadvantages for using the ERP:
· It is indeed expensive to adopt the ERP System.
· Lack of Boundaries provided by the ERP can cause problems.
For all the Advantages and Disadvantages available from using the ERP system, it can be concluded that While employing an ERP system may be expensive, it offers organizations a cost efficient system in the long run.
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